Pharmaceutical Business review

Hemispherx collaborates with Japanese on flu treatment

A recent study has found that double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), such as Ampligen, increases the effectiveness of the influenza vaccine by more than 300% and Ampligen may also convey cross-protection ability against mutated strains of influenza virus.

New data from preclinical studies on dsRNA, including Ampligen supports the role of dsRNA therapeutics in improving the efficacy of the present standards of care in both influenza prevention and treatment of acute disease.

A recent preclinical report, conducted by research affiliates of the National Institutes of Health at Utah State University, compared the relative protection conveyed by Roche’s Tamiflu and Hemispherx’ experimental therapeutic Ampligen, alone and in combination against the avian flu virus (H5N1). Ampligen was among more than 10 different drug combinations examined in the studies aimed to seek therapeutic synergy with the vaccines.

By providing a new mechanism of inhibition of avian flu, (i.e. immunologic/host defensive immune cascades), Ampligen may also afford a new time interval to help combat the influenza virus. At present, a narrow window of opportunity of about 48 hours exists for effective utilization of Tamilflu after exposure to influenza.