Pharmaceutical Business review

Roche and Trimeris report benefits of Fuzeon combo

These new studies add to the growing body of evidence that support this treatment strategy for treatment-experienced patients, building upon findings from the Fuzeon pivotal trials, TORO-1 and TORO-2.

The results are from a 24-week phase IIb study of an investigational boosted protease inhibitor (PI), TMC-114/ritonavir, in triple-class experienced patients. Of those who received Fuzeon and TMC-114/ritonavir for the first time, two-thirds achieved undetectable levels of HIV at 24 weeks compared to one-third of patients who received TMC-114/ritonavir without Fuzeon as part of their background regimen.

The results were presented at a major AIDS meeting, along with integrated results of the phase III RESIST trials of another investigational boosted PI, tipranavir. Here, the greatest treatment response was seen in patients treated with Fuzeon and tipranavir/ritonavir, along with other anti-HIV drugs.