Pharmaceutical Business review

Altana launches novel asthma treatment in UK

Alvesco (Ciclesonide) is a novel inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) for the treatment of adults suffering from persistent asthma. ICSs are considered to be the foundation of asthma treatment and work by reducing inflammation – the underlying disease process – in the lungs and airways.

Altana Pharma also received the national marketing license for Germany and will start to market Alvesco in Germany in February. Further launches will follow during the year in Europe and across the world.

“We’re delighted that we can now make Alvesco, a new respiratory drug from own research, available as an innovative therapy option to asthma patients,” said Dr Hans-Joachim Lohrisch, CEO of Altana Pharma. “The Alvesco market launch marks an important step forward for Altana Pharma on the way to becoming an innovative, international pharmaceuticals company with an even broader base.”

Altana believes the Ciclesonide product family, to which Alvesco belongs, has the potential to become another blockbuster drug for the company, following in the footsteps of its successful proton pump inhibitor Pantoprazole (Pantozol/ Protonix).

In addition to the newly launched inhaler Alvesco, for which cooperation partner Sanofi-Aventis has already filed an application in the US and cooperation partner Teijin in Japan, the family also includes Ciclesonide nasal spray (phase III), Ciclesonide as a fixed combination product with formoterol (phase II) and Ciclesonide as a dry powder inhaler (phase II).