Pharmaceutical Business review

Foamix begins phase II athlete’s foot trial

The initiation of the trial follows an official approval of the study by the Ethical Committee of the Laniado-Sanz Medical Centre in Netanya, Israel. The study is expected to enroll 30 patients.

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that can grow and multiply on human skin, especially the feet. It is estimated that 70% of the population will be infected with athlete’s foot at some time. In the US, 5.6 million prescriptions for antifungal treatments are filled annually, with annual sales reaching nearly $1 billion.

“Current treatments require multiple applications during the course of the day. They also require the rubbing of ointments or creams into the sore skin,” said Foamix CEO Dr Dov Tamarkin. “It is anticipated that TerbiFoam will require application of an easily spread, immediately absorbed, foam product only once a day. We believe these benefits will enhance patient compliance and improve the clinical effects of treatment.”

The company has also announced that it is concurrently conducting a controlled phase II clinical trial of its proprietary betamethasone 0.12% emollient foam, for the treatment of psoriasis. This study is due to be completed in November 2005.