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Study shows lack of public awareness has implications for mental health

Two surveys released by the US National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) show that even though eight out of 10 US adults (82%) claim to know what bipolar disorder is, less than two-thirds (64%) can correctly define bipolar disorder from a list of descriptions of several mental illnesses.

The findings highlight the stigma that’s still surrounding the illness, helping explain why an overwhelming number of people with bipolar disorder (79%) fear repercussions will result from discussing the illness.

It is important that possible bipolar sufferers feel able to seek help rather than suffering for fear of reprisal. If left untreated bipolar disorder can increase risk of suicide, incarceration, substance abuse, job loss, or other harmful consequences. The mortality rate for people with untreated bipolar disorder is higher than it is for most types of heart disease and many types of cancer.

According to NAMI, approximately 2.3 million Americans are presently diagnosed with bipolar disorder, but the number affected is even greater. It is NAMI’s aim to not only help people recognize the symptoms of the disorder, but to lessen stigma associated with the disease in the hope of increasing patient presentation and diagnosis.