Pharmaceutical Business review

Biolex Therapeutics acquires LemnaGene

LemnaGene has been researching potential applications of lemna, a small aquatic plant, to produce recombinant proteins. Biolex’s Lex System uses lemna as a transgenic host for the development and manufacture of therapeutic proteins and monoclonal antibodies that are difficult to make (technically or economically) in traditional recombinant expression systems.

“Last year we acquired Epicyte Pharmaceutical, strengthening our technical capabilities and patent position related to plant-based monoclonal antibody production,” said Jan Turek, CEO of Biolex. “The acquisition of LemnaGene represents a further consolidation of relevant protein capabilities and will enhance our position as a leader in this space.”

LemnaGene, based in Lyon, France, provides biomanufacturing services to the pharmaceutical, vaccine, veterinarian, diagnostic, nutraceutical and industrial protein markets. The company has several research agreements with companies in the pharmaceutical and human/animal vaccine areas.