Pharmaceutical Business review

Siemens and RxHub deliver MEDS to hospitals

Under the terms of the agreement, Siemens will offer its health system customers access to RxHub’s pithily titled ‘Medication and Eligibility Delivery Solution’ (MEDS). The system, essentially a large database, covers 150 million lives and can provide doctors and healthcare specialists with up to date medication and claims history.

David McLean, CEO of RxHub was enthused by the deal, “One of the major causes of medication errors in the hospital setting is due to the lack of complete patient information at the point of care. We are excited about aligning with a world leader like Siemens to solve this problem, while significantly accelerating our expansion into new markets.”

According to industry statistics, medication errors and adverse drug reactions are one of the country’s most serious healthcare problems, accounting for 770,000 injuries or deaths each year in hospitals.