Pharmaceutical Business review

Celgene drug shows potential in multiple myeloma

The data demonstrates that the time to disease progression with Revlimid plus dexamethasone was 49 weeks, compared with 20 weeks for placebo plus dexamethasone. The best response rate with Revlimid plus dexamethasone was 59% compared with 24% for placebo plus dexamethasone.

“Multiple myeloma is an exceedingly frustrating disease to treat because so many patients relapse,” said Dr Meletios Dimopoulos, professor of therapeutics at The University of Athens School of Medicine. “The impressive significant improvement in overall survival seen with Revlimid in the MM-009 trial is a great advancement for patients with multiple myeloma.”

The data were presented at the 47th American Society of Hematology meeting in Atlanta by Dr Dimopoulos.