Pharmaceutical Business review

Tripos launches new drug discovery platform

Tripos has created compound sets that contain novel, selective inhibitors with demonstrated potency and selectivity toward G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and kinases, and have the potential to generate new intellectual property for customers.

The company will initially focus its so called LeadDiscovery program on these two target areas because approximately 30% of all currently marketed drugs act on one or more GPCRs, and kinases play an active role in cancer and inflammatory diseases. However, future research is expected to expand into programs for ion channels and proteases.

“This new program draws on the power of our combined informatics and laboratory capabilities to enable our customers to develop new active leads quickly and efficiently,” said Dr John McAlister, president and CEO of Tripos. “LeadDiscovery provides Tripos and its customers with commercialization opportunities at a time when the pharmaceutical industry is looking for early-stage drug candidates that have achieved proof of principle and are more likely to enter the clinical phase.”