Pharmaceutical Business review

Celera Diagnostics finds genetic markers of heart attack risk

None of these gene variants have previously been associated with myocardial infarction (MI), and they could lead to the identification of new coronary heart disease (CHD) mechanisms.

Celera Diagnostics, a joint venture between the Applied Biosystems Group and Celera Genomics Group of Applera Corporation, conducted the study in collaboration with researchers at Quest Diagnostics, the Cleveland Clinic Foundation and the University of California, San Francisco.

These findings are the latest in a series of communications regarding MI and other cardiovascular disease-related discoveries made by Celera Diagnostics and its collaborators, as well as discoveries toward understanding the genetic basis for individuals who derive increased benefit from statin therapy in preventing MI. The company has completed association studies in several cardiovascular diseases and the pharmacogenomics of treatment for cardiovascular diseases, and has additional studies with data from more than 30,000 subjects.

“This study, coupled with other prospective studies underway at Celera Diagnostics, is providing valuable insight toward the ongoing development of a ‘Genetic Risk Score’ that is expected to identify individuals at elevated risk for MI,” said Kathy Ordonez, president of Celera Diagnostics. “We are in the process of translating these findings into clinical practice and moving toward the commercialization of these exciting discoveries,” Ms Ordonez added.