Pharmaceutical Business review

Merck licenses antibody technology from MorphoSys

Merck has gained access to MorphoSys’ proprietary technologies, HuCal gold and AutoCal, for use in its drug discovery programs, and will be able to develop HuCal-derived therapeutic antibodies in a range of indications.

In return for the use of the technology MorphoSys is to receive an up-front payment, annual user fees and R&D funding. MorphoSys is also eligible to receive license and milestone payments on projects in clinical development, and royalties on any end-products emerging from the collaboration. Further financial details were not disclosed.

“We expect our agreement with MorphoSys to play a key role in building Merck’s capabilities for developing novel therapeutics in the biologics area,” said Dr John Shiver, vice president and head of Merck vaccines and biologics research.