Pharmaceutical Business review

Bolder BioTech gets grant for novel arthritis treatment

The small business innovation research (SBIR) grant supports research to optimize a human protein to enhance its ability to inhibit formation of new blood vessels, which may provide a novel approach for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Formation of new blood vessels is one of the earliest changes observed in affected joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The new blood vessels are believed to support growth of the inflammatory cells that damage cartilage and bone. Published studies suggest blocking growth of these blood vessels suppresses new and established disease in animal models of arthritis.

The SBIR program provides research support to small businesses to discover and develop innovative biomedical products for the treatment of serious unmet medical needs. Companies that successfully meet the goals of the phase I grant are eligible to apply for an additional $750,000 in phase II grant support to continue their product development efforts.