Pharmaceutical Business review

US national poll suggests increase in support for stem cell research

The survey found that 73% of Americans believe stem cell research could one day lead to new disease treatments and cures, and 70% support increasing federal funding for the research.

The results mark a sharp increase in public support for stem cell research since a 2001 executive order limited the federal government’s role in the research. At that time an ABC News poll found that 58 % of Americans supported stem cell research, and 60 % said the federal government should fund it.

Federal funding for embryonic stem cell research is currently restricted to lines that were derived prior to August 9th, 2001. Today, an estimated 19 or fewer stem cell lines are available to researchers.

“As the public continues to learn more about this critical issue, support for investigating new approaches to treat life-threatening conditions such as IPF, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s through stem cell research appears to be growing,” said Mark Shreve, chief executive officer of the CPF. “The widespread support for stem cell research is particularly meaningful to many IPF patients and their families who are fighting such a devastating disorder for which there is no known cause or cure.”