Pharmaceutical Business review

Dynogen commences phase II trial in IBS

DDP225 is an orally-active compound that targets two key pathways that control the gastrointestinal system, thus giving it the potential to address multiple symptoms associated with diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome IBS-d.

This phase II trial is a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study that is enrolling patients with IBS-d at multiple centers in Canada and is assessing safety and pharmacodynamic efficacy as well as symptom-based endpoints.

In September 2005, Dynogen began dosing patients in a phase II study of DDP733 for the treatment of patients with constipation-predominant IBS (IBS-c), the other common form of IBS.

“Dynogen now has two promising and complementary drugs in phase II proof-of-concept trials that address the two major types of IBS: DDP225 for patients with diarrhea- predominant IBS and DDP733 for patients with constipation-predominant IBS. We plan to continue this momentum with the initiation of additional human clinical trials before the end of the year,” said Dr Lee Brettman, chief executive officer at Dynogen.

Dynogen licensed preclinical and clinical data related to DDP225 from Mitsubishi Pharma in October 2003.