Pharmaceutical Business review

Provexis announces UK launch of heart-health drink

Set for UK release in January 2006, Sirco is the first heart health product to contain the patented ‘Fruitflow’ technology. Provexis said Fruitflow has been developed to help regular “healthy” consumers reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

The natural bioactive works by thinning the blood, and this is said to reduce the chances of a thrombosis, or internal blood clot. Sirco carries the health claim “Helps to Maintain a Healthy Heart and Benefits Circulation” and is approved by the leading heart health charity, HEART UK.

London-based Provexis has secured an initial distribution base with two of the five largest UK supermarket retailers, which for reasons of commercial confidentiality cannot be named at present. Both retailers will distribute Sirco nationally, and will stock one liter packs of both flavor variants: apple & blueberry and orange.

Commenting on the forthcoming launch, Dr Stephen Franklin, Provexis chief executive, said, “This marks a significant milestone for Provexis and we are delighted that we have secured distribution with two of the largest UK supermarkets.”

“Both retailers are ideal outlets in terms of the demographics and target market for this product. We will be investing in media advertising as well as in-store activity to ensure we maximize this substantial opportunity.”

Provexis is also developing a 250ml bottle of Sirco for distribution to retailers in mid 2006. This product will have an extended shelf life and is intended to widen the distribution base to include independent chemists, convenience stores and food service industry channels such as health, education and travel outlets.

The drink will be located in the chilled fruit juice section.