Pharmaceutical Business review

MDM Group to work with AvaxisBio over smallpox vaccine

The vaccine, being developed by AvaxisBio, is made from small peptide molecules based on portions of the Variola virus genome selected for optimal effects on the human immune system.

MDM Group has agreed to fund certain ongoing expenses during a due diligence period, after which MDM will acquire a 50% interest in a joint company that will be newly-formed for the purpose of developing and testing smallpox vaccines, in exchange for $0.5 million of initial seed capital and other non-monetary contributions to support on-going research activities.

MDM vice president, Ed Stephen, has indicated that the new vaccine is expected to be safe in all population segments as well as be effective against all strains of pox viruses. This is in comparison to currently available vaccines for the condition that are not considered safe for use in certain segments of the population, especially those with skin diseases, immune disorders, HIV, and pregnant or lactating mothers.