Pharmaceutical Business review

Takeda initiates Japanese trial of obesity drug

ATL-962, discovered by Alizyme, is an inhibitor of gastrointestinal lipases and an agent to treat obesity and diabetes. It is designed to cause weight loss by reducing the digestion and thus the absorption of fat from the diet.

Takeda, Japan’s biggest drugmaker, came to an agreement with Alizyme in January 2004 that granted exclusive rights to Takeda to develop, manufacture and market ATL-962 in Japan, for the treatment of obesity and its associated conditions.

Under the agreement, Takeda is responsible for development and commercialization in Japan, and is to pay associated milestone payment and royalties on future sales of the product.

“We now look forward to confirming potential of ATL-962 in the management of obesity and associated conditions in the Japanese patient population and to continuing our excellent working relationship with Alizyme’s development team,” said Dr Kiyoshi Kitazawa, general manager of Takeda’s pharmaceutical development division.