Pharmaceutical Business review

Schering AG and Cenix sign R&D advancement deal

The agreements focus on the cell-based validation of collections of candidate genes previously identified by Schering AG as possible therapeutic drug targets. Cenix will apply its industry-leading expertise in combining high throughput (HT) RNAi with high content (HC) phenotype analyses in mammalian cells, to deliver a detailed characterization of target-specific loss-of-function phenotypes.

These data, along with associated insights into the functions of these targets, will provide Schering AG with the criteria needed to prioritize targets for advancement in its drug development programs.

“Having already recognized Schering AG’s leading research efforts in several major disease areas, as well as their very strong internal RNAi research capabilities, we were delighted to get this opportunity to assist them by enhancing and accelerating their target selection processes through our own HT-RNAi offerings,” said Dr Christophe Echeverri, CEO and chief scientific officer of Cenix.