Pharmaceutical Business review

Isotechnika expands phase III psoriasis trial

The trial, which commenced on December 2, is currently being conducted at 32 centers across Canada and will evaluate ISA247, the company’s lead immunosuppressive compound, in patients with moderate to severe psoriasis.

Patients have been randomized to receive either high dose, mid dose, low dose ISA247 or placebo. Subsequent to the first 12 weeks, those patients who received placebo will be administered the mid dose range dose of 0.3mg/kg twice daily for the remaining 12 weeks of the study.

“Our willingness to allow additional subjects into the trial was based on numerous requests received from our investigators and those patients suffering from psoriasis,” stated Dr Randall Yatscoff, Isotechnika’s president and COO.

Isotechnika expects to be able to release interim results from the trial, based on 300 patients completing the first 12 weeks of treatment, in the third quarter of 2005, with final results expected early in 2006.