Pharmaceutical Business review

Repligen alleges BMS arthritis drug infringes patent

The patent covers methods of using CTLA4-Ig to treat rheumatoid arthritis, as well as other therapeutic methods. The FDA approved Bristol Myers Squibb’s (BMS’) application to market CTLA4-Ig, under the brand name Orencia, for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis at the end of last month.

Repligen acquired exclusive rights to this patent from the University of Michigan which has joined the company in its complaint against Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS).

“Our patent recognizes the important inventions made by our academic and government licensors,” stated Walter Herlihy, president and CEO of Repligen. “We intend to fully protect Repligen’s and their patent rights, by seeking a royalty bearing license agreement with BMS whether through litigation or negotiation.”