Pharmaceutical Business review

Positive results for Altana and Sanofi-Aventis’ Alvesco

In the first study, conducted in patients aged 12 years and older, researchers concluded that treatment taken once a day with Alvesco (ciclesonide) significantly improves quality-of-life in patients with mild-to-moderate asthma compared with placebo.

In the second study, conducted in pediatric patients, new data revealed that once-daily treatment with Alvesco is associated with a low incidence of local oropharyngeal side effects (thrush, hoarseness and sore throat) and is well-tolerated in patients with mild-to-severe asthma.

Alvesco is an inhaled corticosteroid with novel release and distribution properties. Inhaled corticosteroids, considered to be the foundation of asthma treatment, work by reducing inflammation – the underlying disease process – in the lungs and airways.

The pediatric finding has particular significance as inhaled corticosteroids are often associated with mouth- and throat-related side effects.