Pharmaceutical Business review

g-Nostics buys nicotine detection product

NicAlert gives a visual read-out of the level of tobacco use or exposure within minutes and requires no instruments to use. NicAlert has received clearance from the FDA for determining smoking status for medical purposes.

g-Nostics already offers the NicoTest, a genetic test developed by researchers at Oxford University for determining whether a person is carrying a gene that predisposes to heavy smoking and nicotine addiction. The results of the genetic test allow g-Nostics to tailor smoking cessation programs to the individual.

Researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) authored a study presented in peer-review literature using the NicAlert. In the CDC study, NicAlert measurements correlated well with the far more complex laboratory testing (liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry) used in the CDC laboratory.

Other independent peer-reviewed studies have also found the technology employed in NicAlert to be accurate, rapid and cost-effective.