Pharmaceutical Business review

Alcobra issued new US patent covering metadoxine use for cognitive disorders

Alcobra president and CEO Dr Yaron Daniely noted that the company is pleased that the USPTO granted us this second important patent.

"As we expand clinical trials and ultimately seek US FDA approval for MDX in the treatment of cognitive disorders, it is important that we protect our intellectual property surrounding MDX," Dr Daniely added.

Patent #8,710,067 "Method for the treatment, alleviation of symptoms of, relieving, improving and preventing a cognitive disease, disorder or condition," was filed on 3 July 2012, issued on 29 April 2014, and provides protection until 2032.

This is the second patent to be issued in the US covering MDX. Alcobra’s portfolio of issued patents and patent applications now covers the release formulations and pharmacokinetic profile of Metadoxine, including the special sustained release, combined release and burst release formulations and the associated methods of treatment, as well as the clinical utilization of MDX for cognitive disorders including Alcobra’s lead indication, ADHD.