Pharmaceutical Business review

AstraZeneca, Inserm to investigate new therapies for type 2 diabetes and CKD

The collaboration is aimed to advance understanding of the biological mechanisms that underpin these conditions and develop new treatments based on this knowledge.

As part of the deal, each project will include a joint team of investigators that will work across Inserm sites in Toulouse and Paris, and AstraZeneca’s research hub in Mölndal, Sweden.

The collaboration will focus on understanding mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) activity as a route to treating CKD, improve tissue sensitivity to insulin as well as explore loss of insulin production.

AstraZeneca Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases Innovative Medicines unit head Marcus Schindler said: "Over the last few years AstraZeneca has been focusing on pioneering research into cardiovascular and metabolic disease.

"By joining forces with Professors Langin, Jaisser and Scharfmann and their eminent research groups at Inserm, we strengthen further this ambition because their focus represents an ideal fit with our research strategy."

AstraZeneca along with a team led by professor Frederic Jaisser at the Cordeliers Research Centre (Inserm unit 1138) in Paris, will aim to better understand the complexities of MR activity as a potential treatment for CKD.

The deal will see AstraZeneca work along with a team led by Dr Raphaël Scharfmann at the Inserm/University Paris-Descartes unit 1016 ‘Cochin Institute’ in Paris, to develop models of human beta cells which have lost their ability to produce and release insulin to better understand the biology of this effect and how it can be corrected through treatment.