Pharmaceutical Business review

Merck begins early stage trial of cardiovascular drug

The initiation of the early stage trial triggers a $2 million milestone payment to Arena under its cardiovascular disease collaboration with Merck to develop compounds targeted at a G protein-coupled receptor, or GPCR, that has the potential to regulate plasma fat profiles, including the “good” cholesterol.

“This compound may have the potential to help patients with cardiovascular disease,” said Dr Ismail Kola, senior vice president of basic research at Merck Research Laboratories. “To that end, the clinical program announced today is designed to provide a rapid assessment of the compound’s tolerability and potential efficacy.”

Atherosclerosis is characterized by the collection of fatty material deposits, such as cholesterol, along artery walls. This fatty material thickens, hardens, and may eventually block the arteries, adversely affecting blood flow and increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke over time. Atherosclerosis accounts for nearly three out of every four deaths from cardiovascular disease.