Pharmaceutical Business review

Geron cleared to begin leukemia trial

The initial phase I/II, open-label, dose-escalation trial of GRN163L will be conducted in patients with advanced chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). The study is designed to demonstrate the safety and tolerability of GRN163L administered on a weekly intravenous dosing schedule. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters will also be studied.

Importantly, CLL provides a unique opportunity to measure both the magnitude and time course of telomerase inhibition in tumor cells. By serially assessing the effects on the target enzyme in CLL cells, Geron will attempt to define both a dose and a dosing interval that effectively inhibits telomerase activity. This will provide useful data for designing further clinical studies of GRN163L, including combination studies with other approved cancer therapies.

Geron has already selected three clinical trial sites for the study and anticipates to begin treating patients in June.