Pharmaceutical Business review

Bayer, CRISPR to create JV to develop new gene therapies

The JV will unite CRISPR Therapeutics’ CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology with Bayer’s protein engineering and disease expertise.

Bayer will invest a minimum of $300m in the JV over the next five years for research and development works. In addition, the company will acquire a minority stake in CRISPR Therapeutics for $35m.

The JV will be based in London, UK, with operations in Cambridge, Massachusetts, US.

Bayer has the option to secure exclusive rights to the CRISPR-Cas9 technology and intellectual property in the three disease areas while CRISPR may secure exclusive access to Bayer’s expertise and knowledge in the same areas.

The alliance is the first launched by the new Bayer LifeScience Center (BLSC), which intends to uncover, encourage, fundamental scientific and medical breakthroughs by partnering with biotechnology firms.

BLSC head Axel Bouchon will lead the JV as interim CEO while CRISPR’s CEO and co-founder Rodger Novak will serve as interim chairman.

Novak said: "We keep a 50 percent ownership in the high-risk, high-reward areas of blood disorders, blindness, and congenital heart diseases, but also retain full access to target delivery technologies and IP development by the JV, which we intend to fully leverage in support of CRISPR Therapeutics’ wholly owned core strategic disease areas."

Bayer CEO Marijn Dekkers said: "Bayer and CRISPR Therapeutics are philosophically and financially aligned in our mission to develop game-changing or possibly curative treatments for serious human genetic diseases."

Image: The building of Bayer’s headquarters in Leverkusen, Germany. Photo: courtesy of Bayer AG.