Pharmaceutical Business review

BioPharma enters into strategic partnership agreement with Scentryphar

The partnership will support local and global sponsors looking to bring generic and innovative drugs to the Brazilian market by offering one stop shopping and joint expertise in clinical conduct, bioanalysis, data management, statistics as well as scientific and medical writing.

"We are extremely pleased to partner with Scentryphar to offer generic and Phases I-IV project management for Brazilian submission. This strategic alliance will allow our sponsors to bring products in Brazil in a timely fashion while maintaining high quality standards," said Mr. Renzo DiCarlo, CEO at BPSI.

"We are honoured to partner with BPSI which has a great international reputation in the industry and with many regulatory agencies including US FDA, Health Canada and EMA. Working with BPSI will position both companies as leading CRO’s in Brazil," said Dr. Eduardo Abib Jr., President and Chief Executive Officer at Scentryphar.

"I am thrilled with the BPSI – Scentryphar partnership. Our mutual experience with early stage drug development will not only involve healthy volunteers but patients as well. We will work closely with ANVISA officers to strengthen our relationship and share international experience in Scientific and Regulatory affairs," said Dr. Fethi Trabelsi, Chief Scientific Officer at BPSI.

BioPharma Services is a physician-owned, physician-run, US FDA-inspected, UK MHRA-inspected, and Health Canada-inspected International Contract Research Organization (CRO) which specializes in the conduct of Phase I/IIa clinical trials, including FIM trials, BE studies and bioanalysis, for international pharmaceutical and biotech companies from the US, Canada, Australia and Europe.

The company currently has a modern 174-bed clinical facility based in Toronto, Canada, and a new 72-bed clinical facility in Columbia, Missouri. It is privately held and it is headquartered in Toronto, Canada.