Pharmaceutical Business review

Botanic Choice launches three new nutritional supplements

Developed based on recent scientific advances, the nutritional supplements are Renew 180, Clear Ear Complex and Eye Pressure Complex.

Botanic Gardens Indiana president Tim Cleland said: "Scientific breakthroughs occur on a regular basis in this industry, and we believe we owe it to our customers to stay on the cutting edge.

"These new products reflect our ongoing commitment to offering innovative products at an affordable."

Aimed at women, Botanic Choice’s Renew 180 delivers a full complement of nine amino acids along with age-fighting DHEA and 5-HTP.

A combination of nine ingredients, including magnesium, zinc and alpha lipoic acid, Clear Ear Complex helps fight noise-induced, environmental hearing issues and supports low and high auditory tones.

The Eye Pressure Complex is a formula that supports proper blood flow to the tiny vessels of the eye and helps shield the optic nerve from external pressures.

Indiana Botanic Gardens, Inc., was established in 1910 and is a leading retailer of more than 500 Botanic Choice nutritional supplements.

Image: Three new nutritional supplements now available at Botanic Choice. Photo: courtesy of PRNewsFoto / Botanic Choice.