Pharmaceutical Business review

Dynogen initiates trial of irritable bowel syndrome drug

This DDP733 phase II trial is a randomized, blinded, placebo controlled study that is enrolling patients with the disorder at multiple centers in Canada and is assessing safety and pharmacodynamic efficacy as well as symptom-based endpoints.

DDP733 is an oral, locally acting, prokinetic compound that has shown a favorable safety and efficacy profile in preclinical and clinical studies.

“The initiation of this phase II trial is a significant accomplishment for two reasons – it is Dynogen’s first product candidate to enter a human proof of concept study and we were able to achieve this important milestone within three years of operation as a company,” said Dr Lee Brettman, chief executive officer at Dynogen. “We expect to rapidly advance our product pipeline in the coming months with the initiation of a number of additional significant clinical trials.”