Pharmaceutical Business review

Nabi begins test of hospital-acquired infections treatment

The trial will evaluate StaphVAX in end-stage renal disease patients on dialysis who are at high risk of contracting S aureus infection during their invasive and long-term treatment.

The goal of the study is to determine, after an initial booster dose at eight months, at which future time points repeat doses of StaphVAX would need to be given to achieve the optimal antibody levels in end-stage renal disease patients.

“Nabi Biopharmaceuticals is developing what has the potential to be an innovative and holistic approach to combating life-threatening staph infections,” stated Thomas McLain, chairman, CEO and president of Nabi. “We are developing both prevention and treatment approaches for a broad array of patients who are most at risk of these infections.”

S aureus infections keep patients in the hospital longer, increasing the economic burden on the healthcare system and extending patient suffering.