Pharmaceutical Business review

ChromaDex signs material transfer agreement with GBB for NIAGEN research

ChromaDex will provide GBB with quantities of its proprietary NIAGEN nicotinamide riboside (NR) ingredient. NIAGEN is the first and only commercially available form of NR, a naturally-occurring vitamin B3 derivative. NR is naturally found in the whey fraction of milk and beer, and it is a potent precursor to NAD+ in the cell. NAD+ is essential to healthy cell metabolism.

Dr. Michael Jaehme, a researcher at the GBB, will investigate the uptake of NR into cells and how it is converted in the biologically active nucleotides NMN and NAD+. In addition to co-crystallization experiments to study the molecular basis of NR protein interactions, he aims to determine binding constants to quantify the efficiency of cellular NR utilization.

Examining these interactions at the molecular level can yield valuable insight into how NR exerts its biological effects.

Dr Jaehme noted that transport as the first step of NR utilization is poorly understood in humans, as well as in bacteria.

"A pathogenic microorganism that is dependent on the uptake of NR to acquire NAD+ is Haemophilus influenzae. Although mammalian NR transport systems have not been identified, uptake systems homologous to the bacterial ones are not present.

"That shows the potential of prokaryotc NR uptake and utilization pathways as drug targets. We are glad to have the possibility to investigate these mechanisms with the help of ChromaDex," Dr Jaehme added.

NAD+ is an essential element of all living cells that plays a key role in cellular metabolism and energy production. NAD+ is vital for the health of mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cell that convert sugars, fats and proteins into energy for use by the body.

As organisms age, levels of NAD+ drop, which leads to a decrease in mitochondrial health; this in turn leads to age-related health concerns. Low NAD+ levels limit the activity of a group of enzymes called sirtuins that are believed to play a key role in longevity.

NAD+ levels can also be depleted by lifestyle choices such as overeating and lack of exercise. By boosting NAD+ levels, NR can increase mitochondrial health and induce the creation of new mitochondria, thus supporting cell performance, endurance, metabolism, neuroprotection, healthy aging and cardiovascular health.

NIAGEN has the potential to become part of the portfolio of B-vitamin ingredients that are included in products serving multi-billion dollar markets such as multi-vitamins, nutraceuticals, weight-loss, energy drinks, sports nutrition, meal replacements, infant formula, food and beverage products.

Over the past two years, ChromaDex has built a significant patent portfolio pertaining to NR by separately acquiring patent rights from Cornell University, Dartmouth College and Washington University.