Pharmaceutical Business review

Cmed Group Launches Technology To Capture, Manage Clinical Data

As part of the Cmed Group, Cmed Technology is expected to continue to collaborate with Cmed Clinical Research Services to meet client needs and obtain knowledge of real-world data management challenges.

Cmed Group said that the technology will now directly provide Timaeus to study sponsors, functional service providers (FSPs) and CROs. It it also expected to partner with systems integrators (SIs) and consultancies to use Timaeus to improve clinical system architectures and implement operations excellence programmes.

Cmed Group claimed that Timaeus brings together distributed computing, virtualisation, web, appliance and mobile technologies used by many of the information systems into a single architecture platform, resulting in advantages. It can be used to configure standard and adaptive clinical trials with equal agility.

Additionally, Timaeus enables investigators and monitors working from remote trial locations and emerging markets to manage data using only a mobile telephone connection. This, combined with Timaeus’ role-based workflow functionality, empowers investigators, monitors and data managers to manage data end-to-end, without need of reconciliation.

David Connelly, CEO of Cmed Group, said: “The development of Timaeus has benefited from its closeness to an operational CRO. This incubation enabled the development of a fundamentally different, platform that has been proven on complex clinical trials. I doubt this would have been possible from a standalone software company focused on short-term sales.”