Pharmaceutical Business review

IFPMA launches search portal for clinical trials information

The new tool is designed to provide access to all data made available by the research-based pharmaceutical industry on clinical trial registries and databases around the world.

“Disclosure of clinical trial information can provide an important benefit to physicians and to their patients and families when evaluating the latest biomedical research information and details about clinical trials currently underway that might help alleviate their suffering,” said Daniel Vasella, president of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA).

IFPMA said the search engine will establish links to information provided by pharmaceutical companies that has been posted on web sites. Trial results will be published in a summary that will include a description of trial design and methodology, results of primary and secondary outcome measures described in the protocol and safety results. The database may also provide a link to the relevant article. The results will be published within one year after the medicine is approved or, for post-approval trials, within one year of trial completion.

Software giant IBM is developing the portal, which is expected to be released in September this year.