Pharmaceutical Business review

Novavax and Wave Biotech enter flu vaccine alliance

Initially, the companies will focus on Novavax’s H9N2 avian flu virus-like particle vaccine that has shown promising results in preclinical studies.

Wave Biotech will provide process and equipment expertise for the proprietary technology based on disposable equipment for the manufacture of biologicals. Novavax scientists will work with the engineering team at Wave Biotech to further develop the process for the manufacture of vaccines and other biological products.

Novavax’s virus-like particle vaccine approach uses recombinant DNA technology to create components of the influenza virus in structures optimized to elicit a protective immune response.

“We are very pleased to be able to work with Wave Biotech as we proceed to expand the production of our pandemic and seasonal flu vaccine candidates. The process is reliable and can be readily scaled up to meet the needs of large populations,” said Dr Rahul Singhvi, president and CEO of Novavax.