Pharmaceutical Business review

Positive preclinical data for Advaxis cancer drug

The research indicates that listeria activates the body’s cytotoxic T cells to boost the immune system’s capability to fight cancer cells.

Lovaxin C is intended as a treatment for women who already have cervical cancer as a result of human papilloma virus exposure, and will be entering a phase I/II clinical trial soon.

“If Lovaxin C is successful in clinical trials it has the potential for treating cervical cancer in early and late stage disease, including those women who have positive pap smears and currently require surgery,” said John Rothman, Advaxis’ vice president of clinical development.

Advaxis is developing proprietary Listeria cancer vaccines based on technology developed by Dr Yvonne Paterson, professor of microbiology at the University of Pennsylvania, and chair person of Advaxis’ scientific advisory board.