Pharmaceutical Business review

Ziopharm receives key patent on cancer compound

The company believes this significantly strengthens its intellectual property platform in order to develop and ultimately commercialize ZIO-101.

“We are thrilled to have a very strong patent position for our lead product, ZIO-101, and expect more patent allowances to follow, positioning us with a very firm patent estate for both ZIO-101 and ZIO-201,” commented Dr Jonathan Lewis, CEO.

ZIO-101 is a novel organic arsenic currently in phase I clinical trials in patients with advanced cancers. Data to date suggest ZIO-101 may be active in a broad range of cancers; given at high doses, ZIO-101 has shown no significant toxicities.

The company believes that the ability to administer ZIO-101 at therapeutic doses without significant toxicity is particularly important for single agent treatment, the current clinical development focus of the company, and ultimately in combination therapy post-approval.