Pharmaceutical Business review

EastGate expands pharmaceutical developments with sub-micron platform technology

The company’s new development direction includes large molecule drugs that will address indications in diabetes and the overall metabolic syndrome.

The company’s sub-micron technology allows for development of harmonized formulations and better absorption. To date, the company has demonstrated initial proven success of the technology with Lorazepam in animals.

In its application for specific pharmaceutical molecules the company has been able to achieve positive results with drugs that are currently injected. The company continues the development of its transmucosal Lorazepam Spray for the treatment of acute seizures.

After much exploratory work the company has expanded its research to include the delivery of large molecules, such as insulin and other peptides through an intraoral route.

The delivery methods considered for intraoral insulin formulation includes liquid, semi-solid and other types of sub-micron compositions; all of which are delivered in the mouth for intraoral absorption. Initial testing of some insulin formulations for glucose control have been conducted with successful results. Future plans for next steps are currently being designed.

Intraoral insulin opens up the opportunity to enter into and play a role in the enormous and fast-growing diabetes and metabolic syndrome treatment markets. There are currently 347 million diabetes patients throughout the world and 36 million in the United States alone. This diabetes product platform will be an avenue to be used by the critical masses.

"We are planning to finalize the details of the development, clinical and regulatory plan for our intraoral insulin platform soon," says Anna Gluskin, EastGate’s CEO.

"This diabetes-focused development will achieve opportunities on a number of fronts — it continues to validate our sub-micron technology; opens up opportunities to enter large blockbuster markets servicing the growing chronic diabetes patient population and provides shareholders with an exciting and value-added exit strategy," states Gluskin.