Pharmaceutical Business review

Edifecs Launches Edifecs5010 Comparison Manual

Edifecs has extended its Edifecs5010 Compliance Suite offering by adding the new Edifecs5010 Comparison Manual, an analysis resource that provides side-by-side comparisons of the 4010A1 and 5010 HIPAA standard changes. It also includes valuable insights from Subject Matter Experts illuminating business and technology impacts on healthcare organisations.

The resource, in conjunction with the Edifecs5010 Compliance Online testing service can prepare healthcare payers, providers, health plans, ISVs, and clearinghouses for the new HIPPA 5010 transaction standards migration.

The Edifecs5010 Comparison Manual is integrated into Edifecs5010 Compliance Suite to provide a single location for 5010 planning, gap analysis and testing.

Edifecs is a provider of HIPAA 5010 compliance solutions for healthcare organisations.