Pharmaceutical Business review

Esko announces strategy to help customers with increasing regulations on nutritional labeling

“We are seeing a wave of new legislation being introduced as governments all over the world seek to educate consumers via product packaging,” said Philippe Adam, Vice President of Global Marketing at Esko.

“For the food and beverage industry, as well as many pharmaceutical and nutraceutical companies, this means keeping on top of all the various regulations and adapting their packaging and business processes accordingly. With our new tailored solutions and smart software capabilities, we can help.”

The announcement from Esko follows the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) declaring that they are introducing a modernized Nutrition Facts label for packaged foods, with compliance required by July 2018.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) has since proposed updated nutritional information for meat and poultry products. Regulators in other countries are taking a similar approach, with new guidelines on communicating nutritional information on packaging announced in Canada and France, with others set to follow.

Depending on the needs of each individual organization and where the target data is stored, Esko has devised three clearly defined solutions. Solution 1 starts with the Brand Owner, Solution 2 starts with the artwork and Solution 3 is full system integration.

Each organization can choose the solution most suited to its current situation and be confident that they will optimize their nutritional labeling process and create a single source of truth.