Pharmaceutical Business review

Molecular Pharmacology initiates trial in tennis elbow

MPL-TLB100 is the first of several products based on the company’s recently acquired compound, MPL-TL, to be entered into clinical testing. The trial will take place at the Curtin University of Technology in Australia, with additional trial sites and indications planned in Australia, Singapore and the US.

Lateral epicondylitis, or “tennis elbow,” is a common and painful over-use injury in which the muscles and tendons on the outside of the elbow become inflamed and tender.

“The move to clinical trials provides us with an opportunity to confirm that the unique analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of MPL-TLB100. We believe we are working with a new molecular entity and mode of action and its very exciting to see so much work coming to fruition,” said Jeff Edwards, MPL-USA technical director.