Pharmaceutical Business review

FDA approves Vernalis and Tris’ NDA for Tuzistra XR for relief of cough

Tuzistra XR is an extended-release oral suspension combination of codeine and chlorpheniramine indicated for oral use for relief of cough and symptoms associated with upper respiratory allergies or a common cold in adults.

Codeine is an opiate agonist antitussive, while chlorpheniramine is a histamine-1(H1) receptor antagonist.

Vernalis chief executive officer Ian Garland said: "The approval of Tuzistra XR is a very significant moment in the evolution of Vernalis to a commercial stage speciality pharmaceutical company.

"We believe this product offers both patients and physicians an extended relief alternative to existing treatments and presents a significant commercial opportunity for Vernalis.

"We will be working hard over the coming months to launch Tuzistra XR ahead of the 2015-16 US cough-cold season."

The company said that Tuzistra XR is the only codeine based extended-release oral suspension cough-cold treatment in a US prescription cough cold market.

Tris CEO Ketan Mehta said: "This approval demonstrates the continued success of Tris’ OralXR+ technology and is representative of Tris’ history of developing and manufacturing first-to-market liquid sustained-release products that fill significant unmet patient needs."