Pharmaceutical Business review

Cognetix discovers mechanism of action for pain drug

Researchers used neurotensin receptor knock-out mice to conclusively identify the neurotensin NTR1 receptor as the specific site through which CGX-1160 produces analgesia. A series of in vitro experiments has revealed that CGX-1160 is able to produce a stronger activation of the NTR1 receptor than neurotensin.

Cognetix believes that it is the only company in the world working on the NTR1 target for pain. The company said it will continue to examine whether the uniquely high efficacy of CGX-1160 at the NTR1 receptor may have applicability to the development of anti-psychotic drugs.

As a result of this discovery Cognetix has filed a provisional patent to protect the methods of screening for peptidomimetics or small molecules, the composition of identified compounds and the uses of the identified compounds for pain and other indications.

CGX-1160 is a broad spectrum non-opioid analgesic. It is the synthetic form of a natural peptide extracted from the venom of the conus geographus sea snail. The discovery of the mechanism of action provides further evidence of the differentiation between CGX-1160 and Elan’s conopeptide based drug Prialt, which is currently marketed and sold in the US and Europe.