Pharmaceutical Business review

iSAEC, UC San Diego collaborate on DIRI genetics research

The partnership will follow a research strategy that focuses on key causal drugs and diverse populations groups that experience the adverse drug reaction.

The iSAEC chairman Arthur Holden said, "To better understand the full genetic effects contributing to these diseases, we need to develop a large and diverse collection of research subjects, in conjunction with international clinical researchers who share our strong interest and have experience with DIRI reactions."

The International Drug Induced Renal Injury Consortium (DIRECT) will be supported by the NIH funded O’Brien Center, a collaborative research endeavour between the University of Alabama at Birmingham and the University of California, San Diego, for Acute Kidney Injury Research.

The patients with serious drug induced renal injury reactions will be recruited by DIRECT through a collaborative network including clinical research centres from around the world.

The main aim of the project is to define the genetic risk factors predisposing to DIRI in order to develop strategies for individualization of drug therapy to maximize benefits and minimize harm.