Pharmaceutical Business review

Lilly enters diabetes research collaboration with Surrey University

By using real-world evidence, the two parties will focus on developing answers to commonly asked clinical questions about the continuum of diabetes care, such as the role and timing of injectable therapy, factors impacting adherence to prescribed medicines and the pattern and rationale of therapy following diagnosis.

Lilly Diabetes medical affairs principal research scientist Brad Curtis said: "Living with diabetes is a long and involved journey for patients and their caregivers.

"It’s important for clinicians to understand each step of that journey so patients might have a better chance to reach optimal outcomes. We are honored to collaborate with the University of Surrey on this important project."

More than 387 million people across the world have type 1 and type 2 diabetes, with the latter accounting for an estimated 90-95% of all diabetes cases.

Diabetes occurs when the body either does not properly produce, or use, the hormone insulin.

The University of Surrey professor Simon de Lusignan said: "Diabetes is a complex condition to manage, requiring each patient to be treated and supported in a variety of ways.

"Our research uses routine data to help busy clinicians incorporate innovation into routine practice, focusing on those diseases that pose highest risk. By understanding how effectively individual care plans work we can learn more about how to improve and enhance diabetes care broadly.

"Our aim is to ensure that those suffering with the disease receive treatments that allow them to continue living their lives in the fullest sense, with effective support in place."