Pharmaceutical Business review

MedQuist To Offer EHR Integration With Template-Based Clinical Documentation Process

Partial dictation combines structured and narrative input, resulting in more comprehensive and complete documentation of a patient encounter. Structured input supplemented with narrative dictation meets physician workflow demands, increasing physician adoption and satisfaction; can reduce the overall cost of documentation by more than 50% and in certain instances, can completely eliminate dictation.

Michael Clark, chief operating officer at MedQuist, said: By integrating MedQuist’s DocQment Enterprise Platform (DEP) with the new features of Epic’s Hyperspace Client, the richness of template-driven text can be combined with the otherwise freestyle nature of dictation in DEP. Physicians can now easily create a more comprehensive clinical note that automatically incorporates both voice input and structured text through a single application.

“Once the voice snippet is out of Epic and into DEP, it moves through each stage of our typical workflow like any other dictation. Each dictated snippet will be processed through speech recognition, be made available for quality assurance, and be tracked for turnaround time. Moreover, as MedQuist advances its technology, those snippets and all of our transcribed documents can be delivered in a Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) format, allowing further integration and usefulness to Epic and our combined customers.”