Pharmaceutical Business review

Meridios Earns Nationwide CMS Qualified Registry Status

Meridios has received official notification from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services that it has earned the status of CMS PQRI qualified registry, using its healthMATRIX health registry/disease management application.

healthMATRIX is a healthcare quality tracking application with the ability to perform CMS registry reporting.

healthMATRIX can reduced expenses as Meridios is providing PQRI reporting as a NO CHARGE benefit to its clients. With healthMATRIX, claims-based submission process is almost entirely automated, said the company.

Physician Quality Reporting Initiative is currently a voluntary CMS reporting program that provides a financial incentive to physicians and other eligible professionals. Eligible professionals who satisfactorily report at least three applicable quality measures shall be paid a maximum of one incentive payment, which will be equivalent to 2.0% of Medicare

Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) allowed charges for all covered professional services furnished during the longest reporting period, for which he or she has satisfied reporting. Reporting can be accomplished using one of two methods. Claims-based reporting is a manual process of completing and submitting forms. Registry-based reporting is more automated and uses electronic data transfers.