Pharmaceutical Business review

Nitrosolution releases new nitroxyl performance supplement

As company spokesperson, Michael Thompson, noted, Nitrosolution first launched its original nitric oxide booster product Nitroxyl about 2 years ago. While Nitroxyl is designed for people over the age of 40, Nitroxyl Performance was formulated expressly for those 40 and younger.

Nitroxyl Performance, which is available on Amazon, can help bodybuilders to enhance their workouts by increasing both oxygen and nutrient delivery to their muscles, noted the spokesperson. For most people, this should result in more stamina and an improvement in noticeable results from their workouts.

"By improving circulation and oxygen delivery to muscles, you will reduce lactic acid build-up and be able to add crucial reps and sets to your workout," Michael Thompson said, adding that reducing fatigue and inflammation are key to making the greatest gains in the least amount of time.

In addition, Nitroxyl Performance may help minimize the recovery time that people need between workouts.

"Through the mechanism of enhanced oxygen perfusion and reduced lactic acid accumulation, you can reduce your risk of tendonitis, bursitis, fascitis, and excess muscle fiber strain."

As the spokesperson explained, Nitroxyl Performance is currently the only nitric oxide booster that contains large amounts of both beet root extract and L-Citrulline. Because some people have reported adverse side effects from taking products that contain arginine and AKG, these two supplements were deliberately left out of Nitroxyl Performance.

Anybody who would like to learn more about Nitroxyl Performance may visit either Nitrosolution’s website or Amazon. There, they can read more about the newly-launched Nitroxyl Performance product and how it can naturally boost energy and endurance levels. The Amazon page also includes positive reviews from customers who have already tried the new supplement.