Pharmaceutical Business review

Non-synthetic growth hormone supplements provide OTC alternative to HGH injections

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), injectable human growth hormone (HGH) is only approved for "clearly and narrowly defined" medical conditions and must be prescribed by a supervising physician; all other uses – including bodybuilding, athletic performance and anti-aging – are classified as "illicit" and therefore illegal.

The illegal sale and distribution of injectable synthetic HGH and testosterone, as well as other performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs), has led to a series of arrests in recent weeks: Anthony Bosch in the high-profile Biogenesis case, two men behind a Connecticut distribution ring and a champion bodybuilder in New Zealand who was jailed on 182 counts. Legal repercussions also apply to users, including a Louisiana man who was charged after being found in possession of illegal steroids and HGH vials.

While prescription HGH injections introduce growth hormones directly to the bloodstream, oral dietary supplements are primarily designed to function as HGH releasers. Since the majority of herbal preparations are not regulated by the FDA, athletes and bodybuilders can legally purchase and use non-synthetic HGH supplements for muscle building, weight loss and recovery from intense workouts.

"Our company is dedicated to developing and manufacturing effective natural HGH supplements so that bodybuilders, athletes and others have a legal and safe alternative to synthetic hormones," said Dan Smith of, purveyor of Purity Select HGH and bodybuilding supplements.

"We use proprietary blends of potent, high-quality ingredients and all of our products are made in the United States by Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) facilities."

Smith notes that has taken an active role in educating consumers about the natural extracts used within the company’s products so they can make informed decisions concerning the use of health and bodybuilding supplements. The company has published a series of articles on the blog that highlight the benefits, uses, research findings and potential side effects of common ingredients, including those used to elevate testosterone and growth hormone levels and promote muscle building, muscle recovery and weight loss.

In addition,’s social media channels provide a forum for discussing the use of injectables and PEDs versus non-synthetic HGH alternatives. "This topic has been a polarizing one in the bodybuilding and sports worlds, and we’re always interested to hear both sides of the debate," added Smith. "I encourage customers and the public to comment on our social media profiles and let us know their thoughts and experiences concerning both options."