Pharmaceutical Business review

Praxis EMR Offers New Version With EHR Documentation

Infor-Med has announced the beta release of Praxis Version 5 featuring Datum, a tool that allows physicians to use free text to create, store, and share discrete clinical data.

With Federal stimulus funds under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) on the horizon, the US physicians are gearing up to go paperless. The HITECH Stimulus Act promotes Electronic Medical Record adoption by reimbursing physicians for using a certified EMR. Those providers who fail to adopt an EMR will eventually face Medicare penalties.

The company said that Praxis EMR allows physicians the unrestrained use of free text to document medicine in their own words. All others are based on templates. While most template-based EMRs do offer data fields with embedded codes, they require doctors to select from pick-lists. Datum seamlessly embeds discrete data within free text during the clinical encounter.

The company claims that based on ‘Concept Processing’ technology, an intelligent neural network, it becomes progressively faster by learning from the physician using it. Physicians using Praxis 5 with Datum can chart rapidly with complete freedom while also producing discrete data required by third parties. Praxis Version 5 offers a way for physicians to transition from Defensive Medicine to Evidence-Based Medicine.

Clayton Reynolds, a medical quality expert, said: This is a major breakthrough in Electronic Medical Record Technology. Until now doctors were being forced to use template based EHRs to collect data for quality improvement and reimbursement purposes. With Praxis they no longer have to.”